Taurus Magazine
MEC-GAR is a privately held family-run business that was founded by Mr. Edoardo Racheli in 1965 whose sole focus was the production of firearms magazines. The great success of MEC-GAR today is due to family pride, Fine Italian craftsmanship, hard work and dedication, along with modern equipment and proprietary manufacturing techniques. They are the most trusted magazine manufacturer in the world with over 50 years of experience and over 100 MILLION magazines manufactured specifically for the worlds largest firearm companies. Mec-Gar is the industry standard in aftermarket handgun magazines and they manufacture some of the best Beretta 92FS and M9 mags in the world. This 20 round extended +2 magazine for the 9mm with Mec-Gars Anti Friction Coating is the new standard in extra capacity Beretta 92 series mags, and practically a must have for any M9 user.Mec-Gar has years of experience designing and manufacturing some of the finest magazines available anywhere. In fact, Mec-Gar does one thing, they design and manufacturer magazines, and if you do a little research you will see that Mec-Gar does this one thing very well.