Crimson Trace sports an impressive list of loyal customers world wide who depend on a Crimson Trace daily. This list is comprised of members of the US Military, Federal and State Law Enforcement, Private Security, Concealed Carry Aficionados, Defensive Minded Citizens, as well Target Shooters and Hunters. Crimson Trace offers an impressive list of features that will give you the edge in any situation that requires you to have quick, accurate shot placement in any environmental arena. Give yourself the best chance to succeed: use a Crimson Trace Laser. Crimson Trace laser sights for the wildly popular Smith & Wesson J-Frame revolver line feature a hard polymer surface that is rugged and well suited for personal defense. The smooth feel of the polymer provides for a prompt, snag-free draw. Crimson Trace Lasergrips includes the durability, sighting adjustments, and the defensive advantage that Crimson Trace is famous for.